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August 25, 2005

Powerbook G4 15" + Sony DSC-P200

I have recently purchased a fresh sexy sleek Apple PowerbookG4 15" for my travels, now I can stay connected, do the internet phone(Skype) thing with my girlfriend, friends, and family, and keep my website updated and easily share any pictures I take while I'm gone. This is the first laptop I have ever owned, and I have to say, I love it! Mac OSX 'Tiger' is so damn easy, its the way computers should be, 'plug-and-play' everything just works.

I have been wanting a mac for sometime now, mainly for the use of Final Cut Pro, which I havent used extensivly since assistant editing over at Summit Pictures. Now I have the tools to complete a series of projects as time permits... And of course using the latest version of Shake at home.

I also picked up a point+shoot Sony CyberShot P200 7.2 megapixel digital camera. So far So good, I think it's real test will be sight-seeing in New Zealand, but this takes some quality images quickly with a number of good features.   

Posted by dschnee at August 25, 2005 10:01 AM