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May 10, 2006

The Spiderwick Chronicles

--- wait, why am I posting news on this cool series of fantastical children's books? well it's being made into a movie... and well we(Tippett) were just awarded the show! along with ILM... The Spiderwick Chronicles! more details to follow, the people involved and such, :) --- spiderwick.imdb - spiderwick.official - spiderwick.books ---

onto the news...

Spiderwick Director Wants Twins, Not More VFX

Twins wanted: Mark Waters is looking for twin boys ages 9 to 11 to star in his next feature film. Waters, who directed "Mean Girls" and the new "Freaky Friday," begins production on "The Spiderwick Chronicles" in August, but first he's got to find a couple of kid stars.

"If you call the top talent agencies in New York and Los Angeles looking for twins, you may get only two or three submissions," Waters says on a recent visit to San Francisco to meet with visual-effects wizard Dennis Muren of ILM about possibly creating special effects for the fantasy adventure. "That's why in a situation like 'The Parent Trap,' they said, 'OK, let's just use Lindsay Lohan and we'll duplicate her.' But there are so many other special effects in this movie I couldn't deal with the complication of trying to double the actor."

Waters is steering twins with talent to www.SpiderwickCasting.com for details. He is convinced that, somewhere among the videotapes that arrive by the June 2 deadline, he'll find two boys who can carry his film -- no experience required.

"At that age," he says, "if kids are outgoing and charming and personable, they already have the skills for good acting, as opposed to kids who have been doing commercials their whole lives -- they just have a bunch of bad habits. I'd rather start clean with somebody, so I think it's a benefit to be going with unknowns on this one."

Source from sfgate.com


Posted by dschnee at May 10, 2006 7:38 AM