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May 25, 2007

At World's End

Pirates 3 is out! I caught an 8pm showing last thursday night hoping to catch that new Enchanted trailer... no dice. It was playing at California Theater in Berkeley, so it may due to the not so main stream aspect of it, in fact all 3 trailers they spliced in front of Pirates 3 didn't seem to match up with Disney, so will have to catch that another time.

As for the movie, It was damn fun! A good number of the audience dressed up like pirates, some pirates gifts and booty were given away before the movie started, the crowd was completely into it, cheering, laughing, cheering, and more laughing. They crammed a lot of funny into this last one, something that as lacking from Pirates 2.

Since then I've heard a lot of complaints about it being to long, and the story to hard to follow... but I was along for the ride... the 'edge of the world' sequence with the 2 pirate ships battling in the all CG Maelstrom around the gigantic whirlpool was amazing. The amount of rain, debris, explosions, wood chunks, broken bits, water hitting the lens and fading away, and all of the awesome cg pirates with Davy Jones completely brought you into their world. Kudos to ILM and the vfx work in that sequence.

I don't know, I enjoyed it, not much else to say... see also: Aruna's take on At World's End

Anyone catch the Enchanted trailer?


Posted by dschnee at May 25, 2007 7:03 AM